Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Riverton Acoustic Music Jam: It's RAMJ time once again, folks and more...


Riverton Acoustic Music Jam, Wed. Oct. 19th, 2022
That's the 'Boss of Springsteen' aka Pat Maloney in all three photos!
In the top photo the Boss is joined by Preston B and in the bottom photo he is joined by Jimme B and Tom S.

And see below for some 'Born in Chicago' (BBB song that our Jam buddy Tim E oft
times plays for me) flashback photos circa 1960s just for Fun!

Riverton Acoustic Music Jam 

Riverton Holiday Inn Convention Center - Wed. eves 6:30PM - 9:30PM - Oct. 26th 

Riverton Senior Citizens Center - Wed. eves 6:30PM - 9:00PM - TBA
Soft drinks, eats and treats to pass are welcome... so, bring your favorite delectables along to share!
  • PA/sound system provided for voice and most acoustic electric string instruments with use of your own wireless instrument adaptor, with/without onboard electronics via an instrument cable or a provided shotgun/pencil mic setup - no personal amps allowed without pe-approval from the Wizard and company!
  • A 'Jam Facilitator' volunteer (pls step fwd. if you want to be next!will handle the flow of the jam floor at each jam session - your full attention and cooperation with all eyes and ears on that person is greatly appreciated!
  • The soundboard/mixer is actively managed by a volunteer (pls feel free to learn and help!) throughout the entire jam session. Your cooperation and communication are a must with this person as well to best maximize your voice and or instrument quality when it is your turn to 'take a (song) ride' in the jam rotation.
Recommended early sound system set-up time is 5:30PM for those who can arrive early to lend a helping hand and or do a sound check of your instrument. Otherwise... come as you can, find a spot in the jam rotation, be patient for your late hook-up/sound check and pls don't disrupt the jam that will hopefully have already been be in progress by 6:30PM. Thanks!

Some extracurricular Music Jam photos of my 60s Garage Band friends (all of whom -including myself occasional roadie and setup guy- escaped from the Hoods in Chicago and met in a place once called Hampton Park in Ill) who went on to form a local band called the 'Val-Deans' consisting of Mario Lozano (James Brown Dance Maan and now Professional bass player/guitarist with a one man show), Ruben Salinas (Rhythm guitar), Jonny Neito (Drums) and Ronnie Guerra (Lead and rhythm guitar).

Lander Acoustic Music Jam at the Lander Art Center on Main across from the Bake Shop unless otherwise notified.
Saturdays 10AM - Noon
Welcome to any and ALL:
Acoustic instruments (electric bass or key boards welcome too), 
Ability levels
Types of music
Kinds of people
Got questions? Call or Text Dick @ 307-349-0204 Thanks!


Riverton Senior Citizens Center Dance night...

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